Sunday, January 9, 2011

Much Given...Much Required

Dear Zach,

When I watch your little mind at work, I am in awe.  The questions you ask and the vocabulary you use are constantly reflecting depth of the thoughts running through your little head.  When you use words like "ubiquitous" or "occupied" correctly in a sentence, my jaw drops.  Often, instead of answering your questions, I am asking you, "Where did you learn that?".  The other day, you informed me that you could count to 100.  Believing that you would count to 20 and then get stuck, I asked you to show me.  And you did!

You are reading so well, and you often pick out words that you can read when I am reading books or the Bible to you.  Then today, when I picked you up from Sunday School, I looked down at the picture you colored and my eyes went wide.  You didn't color very much, but your name was clearly written across the top of the picture, and not in your teacher's handwriting.  I asked you if your teacher had helped you write your name, and you said no.  You informed me that you told your teacher you could write your name all by yourself - and then you did it!

But Zach, when I see the mind that the Lord has blessed you with, I am reminded of the words that Jesus spoke in Luke 12:48.  "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted much, much more will be asked."  Zach, I don't know why the Lord gave you the mind that he gave you while giving Wesley the mind that He gave him.  But I do know that the Lord has given you much, and as one to whom the Lord has entrusted much, much will be required of you.

When I look at you and Wesley together, I often smile as I see God's wisdom in giving Wesley to you as a brother.  I pray that growing up with him, helping him, loving him, and seeing how hard it is for him to learn things will humble you.  I pray that God will use the difficulties that Wesley experiences to help you realize that everything you have is a GIFT from God.  I pray that you will never grow proud because of what you accomplish, but that you will thank God, knowing that He is the giver of all good gifts.

I pray for you each day, that you will trust in Jesus as your Savior and that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  My heart will rejoice if one day I can say, "This is my son Zach, a man after God's own heart."  God has given you much Zach, and if you love your Savior and seek to follow Him all of your days, then you can use the gifts that He has given you to further His kingdom and to bring Him much glory.

Zach, I can already see that the task ahead of Daddy and I will be difficult as we seek to teach you and model for you humility and a love for our Savior.  But, I also rejoice as I see the Lord already at work in your heart, drawing you to Himself.


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