Dear Zach,
Happy Birthday, my firstborn son! I can't believe you are four years old already. I still remember praying that the Lord would give us another child after we lost your older sister Grace. When we found out you were a boy, we named you Zachary, which means "the Lord will remember". And, the Lord has remembered! You have been a wonderful blessing to us from the Lord.
It is so clear to us that you are the perfect older brother for Wesley. He adores you (with good reason)! You can get him to do things after just a few minutes that it takes Mommy and Daddy forever to get him to do. For example, we've been working on getting him to put his lips together to say "baba" or "mama" since he was 12 months old. Last weekend, you decided to play a game with him and started smacking your lips together. He thought you were so funny that he started imitating you. Within an hour you had him saying "baba" and "mama" and laughing about it so hard that he kept falling over.
We love watching you play so sweetly with Wesley. Whenever you talk to him, you change your voice to this sweet little voice and you say things like "Wesley, would you like another goldfish? Say "more"...". Then you wait a minute to see if he'll try it before you give him one. You get so excited about working on his picture cards with him, showing him two cards and saying so sweetly, "Wesley, would you like your ball, or would you like the Itsy Bitsy Spider?" You LOVE it when he picks the right picture card and you clap and say "Yay, Wesley" even louder and more jubilantly than I do.
Sometimes you help a bit too much with making sure Wesley's following the rules, but I am grateful that you are always faithful to make sure that he is NEVER licking ANYTHING! I'm counting on you to keep a good eye on him now that he has his glasses and let me know any time he takes them off.
It is such a delight for me to watch your mind at work. You LOVE anything to do with numbers. When I read stories to you, you are always telling me what page number we are on and what page number comes next. The other day you even surprised me with how well you are learning to tell time. You came up to me and told me, "Right now it's eight fifty-seven. Then it will be eight fifty-eight and then eight fifty-nine." Thinking I could catch you, I asked you what time it would be after that. You just smiled at me and stated rather matter of factly, "Nine o'clock". You're starting to learn some math concepts too. You regularly come up to me and say things like "Hey mom, guess what! Three and four and three makes ten!"
We've enjoyed teaching you how to read this summer too. I'm so glad I bought you the BOB books, since you have thoroughly loved reading. Reading is like a puzzle to you, and your eyes light up each time you fit the letters together to make a word. It has been fun to see how much this has opened up your world as you now try to read signs and everything else you see. You also love to write out your own words on the bathtub and the fridge with your sponge letters and magnet letters.
You were so timid about learning to ride your tricycle at the beginning of the summer that I was surprised you were willing to try out your bicycle last month. But with some extra coaxing from Dad, you finally tried it and were pleasantly surprised at how fun it is to ride a bike. I am so proud of you for being brave and trying it even though you were scared of falling. You have really grown in stepping out of your comfort zone, fighting your fear, and trying new things this year.

Most of all Zach, it has been such a joy to teach you more about Jesus this year and watch as you have begun to understand the gospel. Now that you realize I read the Bible before you get up each morning, you come into my room at seven and ask right away if I can read to you too. So, you set up the pillows on Daddy's side of the bed and sit next to me while I read to you from the gospel of Mark. As I explain to you what we read, it is such a joy to watch the connections you make in your mind. Last week as I was explaining to you who the Pharisees were, you realized they were the same people who wanted to kill Jesus. So, you were very excited to tell me that Jesus let those bad men kill him because he loves us so much. Your prayers to Jesus are also so precious. Just last night you thanked Jesus for taking the punishment that we deserve and dying on the cross for our sins because he loves us so much. I continue to pray that your knowledge of Christ's love for you will lead you to place your trust in your Savior.
I love you so much Zach! I look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for you in this upcoming year.